Add a CSV data export feature aong with the Pdf reports
Surely this can be implemented quite quickly? Export to csv is a pretty basic function...
Currently I'm exporting to pdf, then trying to convert that into excel, cleaning up all the rows / data. Then have to do some data validation checks to make sure nothing screwed up....
Tim U
>Hayden, 5 months ago
>Planned, but unsure if will be a paid feature or not
God I hope not! Pearler was built on the principle of empowering people to learn about and grow their personal wealth. Your mission statement literally says that your "mission is to help everyday people become successful long-term investors".
Cuscal, as an ADI, is bound by the Consumer Data Regulations (CDR), and should be able to provide access to OUR data in a usable, transportable format.
Access to transactional data is critical for investors to understand their financial health.
Hayden Smith
Planned, but unsure if will be a paid feature or not
Hayden Smith
Merged in a post:
Ability to download a csv file of all of your trades in an FY
All of the other brokers I have dealt with provide the ability to download your trades over a FY or date range in .csv format.
I asked support if this feature was available before I start investing. They said it was not and to submit a feature request.
Is there a chance this will be available in the next six months? If not, unfortunately I will need to go back to my previous broker as my SMSF needs me to upload all trades each FY. csv is the most efficient way to do this, especially if you make a lot of trades like I do.
Look forward to your response.
Hayden Smith
Merged in a post:
Export data
Christopher Muscat
Hopefully this isn't a feature that already exists and I just missed it. There's no export feature that lets me download a statement with my current investments and cash held at Pearler.
Just noticed as my mortgage broker is requesting this.
Nam Ngo
CSV export would also allow historical uploads for other portfolio trackers like Navexa. At the moment Pearler only integrates with Sharesight. Hayden Smith
Ian Maclean
Along with the pdf reports I meant to say