Dark mode for app / website🌙
I would say this is not quite complete. Dark mode on Pearler often has white flashes on some screens as they load while others remain in light mode.
Hayden Smith
Hayden Smith
Ali C
Hey, I really like the dark mode experience. I was trying to create a new Trust account, however the text in the tooltip popups on the "Add your trust details" is hidden - it's white text on a white background. For example: Trust delegation field.
Sharon Liew
In dark mode, the limit order price text box is not visible. Was able to do a limit order on the website which is not in dark mode.
Samuel Dudley
Just logged into the app and was greeted by dark mode! Looks great 😎
Nichale Bool
Great idea!
Claude Sortwell
Hey everyone, we have just added the ability to use dark mode for the website to the experimental page (https://pearler.com/experimental-features). Dark mode for the app will be coming at a later date.
Please bear in mind that this is an experimental feature, and if you have any feedback or questions feel free to join the chat on our community slack: https://pearlercommunity.slack.com/archives/C03MYA45Q57.
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