Excluding shares from automate percentages
Is it possible to add a feature where certain shares are excluded from being calculated in the automate percentages? For example, I have a core investment portfolio consisting of ETFs which I want to automate investing into every month according to the lowest share strategy to achieve a certain allocation that I have chosen. I also hold individual stocks that I do not want to automatically invest in.
However currently the whole portfolio is included in the percentage calculations for automation and therefore the percentages and allocations are incorrect. I just want to exclude certain shares from being included at all in the calculation (not just switching off investment)
Hey team, any update on this? Portfolio target tracking is still a pain point for me; I need to use a separate spreadsheet to see how I’m performing.
I have my core target portfolio but I also have a few play/non-critical stocks in my Pearler account. I’ve set the latter ones to 0% target in my automate settings, but it still affects the overall actual percentages of all stocks by lowering the actual value of those core investments. I have no idea how close those core assets are to target without a spreadsheet.
Alternatively, there used to be a way to create multiple portfolios under the one investment account, which could theoretically allow different manual or automated investment strategies. I don’t see how to create extra portfolios today, although I recall being able to do so a few years ago. That could be a useful alternative by being able to allocate specific stocks to specific portfolios. (What happens if the same ticker is in multiple portfolios? Maybe a percentage split?)
Sarah B
I would also like this function as I noticed it straight away. I think your original post explains really well what they need to do. An update on if this is happening would be great PEARLER please?
Thank you.
Hayden Smith
Hayden Smith
Merged in a post:
Better selection at Autoinvest
Joel Criddle
I want to set up auto invest for 2 ETFS but since i hold other ETFS and shares the percentages don't align to how i want it. Would be handy to be able to remove/hide my other holdings from the percentage calculations.
Hayden Smith
Merged in a post:
Portfolio current % with autoinvest filter
Eric Hartono
As user with assets that are not part of auto invest strategy, I would like to see portfolio current % per asset with auto invest filter to exclude non-autoinvest assets as part of calculating current %.
As a user with auto invest strategy, I want to know what's the next asset to buy if auto invest buys today. I know that we get email notification a day before which asset that strategy will buy, and I want to know this every day.
Hayden Smith
Merged in a post:
Ignore stock in auto invest % calculations
Josh Schwarz
I love the auto invest function - but it gets confused by individual holdings that I don't want included as part of my auto invest. While I can remove the shares from the auto invest functionality the % of portfolio will forever be off target %.
Hayden Smith
Merged in a post:
Change Percentage of AutoInvest
Josh Rands
It would be really nice if we were able to set up AutoInvest targets without the need for those targets to be 100% of our portfolio. For example, say I want to autoinvest in ETFs and for that to be 50% of my portfolio. I could select the ETFs I want and set the percentage of my portfolio I want autoinvested. Alternatively just set the individual ETF percentages to where I want them as a part of my whole portfolio (similar to how it is now, just without the need for it to make 100%).
Hayden Smith
Hey Josh, can you explain in more detail the issues you're having without this ability right now? Even just with an example
Josh Rands
Hayden Smith: I'm not having an issue. My original post pretty much explains what I mean. Rather than having to set your autoinvest total to 100%, it would be nice to set it to some other amount, say 50% instead. That way I can have part of my portfolio autobalancing & can self manage the other part.
Hayden Smith
Josh Rands: But right now you can exclude assets and essentially have them managed separately, and that wouldn't affect how the autoinvest plays out either? Just trying to understand if I am missing something
Josh Rands
Hayden Smith: Yes but excluding assets removes them from the portfolio tracking. Currently you can set a tracked asset to 0% in the autoinvest screen but that is not exactly what I mean. If I can set 50% of my portfolio to follow autoinvest rules (as in the total for autoinvest is 50% not 100% as it is required to be now), then I can manage the remainder myself, purchasing other shares as I see opportunities, while autoinvest maintains the 50% balance of the rest of the portfolio.
Hayden Smith
Josh Rands: Oh sure so you're saying you'd basically like autoinvest to pause/stop once your "automated" part of the portfolio reaches a certain absolute number (such that any more investing would put it above 50% of your portfolio)?
Josh Rands
Hayden Smith: Basically, yes. As it currently forces you to set 100% total for autoinvest targets, it'd be nice to be able to change that so I could set my portfolio to 50/50 or 70/30 etc & allow it to automate the balance of one part of my portfolio.
I agree, I havent been on here long enough to know but by the looks of it, all of your assets are included in Autoinvest when it makes a purchase. My autoinvest is setup to be 45% one ETF and 35% ETF and the rest between two other ETFs, if my portfolio is 90% stocks, Autoinvest will always make a buy order on the 45% allocation, I assume, as this is the "furthest from target" ETF. Everytime I try to update the active targets for Autoinvest it resets them to include my entire portfolio. The only thing I could think of to fix this was creating a second pearler account or set autoinvest to "rebalance" instead of "lowest first", neither of these are really optimal.