LIC discount/premium to NTA calculator
Pearler Community
"Another, for LIC's, would be a discount/premium to NTA. Like Pat the Shuffler's calculator.
If you added this as a 'Buy asset rule' in the Auto-Invest options, you'd quite possibly win some LIC-loving investors here. I don't know of anybody that offers something like this - at least not without either programing or instructions to a person.
The two options from this that strongly appeal to me are:
1) Auto-Invest 'Buy asset rule' of something like "Buy LIC with greatest discount", and
2) an additional rule of "Buy $xxxx.xx of XYZ LIC when trading at greater than 12% (or whatever) discount to NTA.
For investors who want to buy a stable income (eg old LIC's who dividend smooth), there can be analysis paralysis from trying to figure out which LIC is best value when they're ready to tip more money into one."
Additional info see attached.
Hayden Smith
Hayden Smith
in progress
Hi everyone, we're EXPERIMENTING with this feature right now. We have a beta that is incomplete and not live (on a private link) here:
We'd love some feedback on this page so that we can decide whether we want to make this an official feature.
In the interim please don't consider this a functional element of the site, and further testing is required.
I use Pats calculator too. Its great.
Hayden Smith
under review
Hayden Smith
Merged in a post:
More auto invest options like:
* Buy on specific day of
* Buy LIC with the lowest NTA.
* Buy the LIC that's the lowest in
a 52 week period.
Nicholas Talerico
this would be great!
however, would it be possible?