Show 10-year or all-time returns as default on browse pages
Kurt Walkom
As a long-term investor, I'd like to see a longer timeframe as the default return time period displayed to me when I'm navigating Pearler's platform.
To me, a longer default time period makes sense as the average investment horizon of a Pearler investor is >10 years. It is also positive behaviour reinforcing - "long-term mindset", and a more positive experience for the investor (everything will be "in the black"/green).
For example, showing monthly return periods as default for micro doesn't make sense as no-one should be investing in them for a month. Also the micro page is currently a sea of red which is intimidating for anyone trying to take their first step into investing (i.e. the primary market for micro).
All-time returns seems like one scalable option (not all shares have been around for 10 years) and is aspirational for long-term investors.
Alternatively, having a place holder for shares that haven't been around 10 years could be fun and on-brand too, e.g. "Young"
Hayden Smith
We display this where we can! Some younger stocks need shorter timeframes due to limited history.